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Version: 1.0.0-preview.37

Scenes & Window Size

If you want to be able to access the size of the window in your scenes, you can use the WindowSize property and override the Resize() method.

This information in games is essential. You can use it to position elements, scale them, understand the bounds of the game world, check for collisions in 2D space, and more.

Let's cover both.

Window Size property

In any scene that inherits from the SceneBase class, you can access a property named WindowSize.

Here is a simple example of using the property to get the center of the window.

protected override void OnUpdate(FrameTime frameTime)
var center = new Vector2(WindowSize.Width / 2f, WindowSize.Height / 2f);


Resize method override

All scenes inherited from the SceneBase class can override a method named Resize(). This method is called every time the size of the window changes. The parameter size will contain the new size of the window.

public override void Resize(SizeU size)
{ = new Vector2(size.Width / 2f, size.Height / 2f);


The method Resize() override will not be invoked unless you use Velaptor's built-in scene management. The method will not be invoked unless you add the scene to the SceneManager.

If you are manually managing your scenes, that is ok. Manually invoke the Resize() method for each scene in your Game class. Utilize the OnResize() method override to invoke your scene's Resize() method.